Course Fee

Course Fee for Non-Participating States

The Academy is sponsored and funded by the five southern states. Hence trainee officers deputed from these states provided training free of cost. Their boarding and lodging costs will also be borne by the Academy. However, all those non-participating states who wish to send their officers for regular training courses need to pay prescribed course fees, which include boarding, lodging, infrastructural and instructional costs. The fees are being revised time to time by the Board of Management. Participation in short-term courses,seminars,workshops etc. is freely offered to officers from both participating as well as non participating states.

The existing course fees are as follows:

Sl.No. Course Fees (in ₹)
01. 9-months basic course for prison officers 1,50,000/-
02. 3-months in-service course for prison officers 50,000/-
03. One month refresher course 8,000/-